vWLAN Phone Home Remote Access
An Adtran Technical Support Engineer (TSE) may request "phone home" or "call home" remote access to vWLAN. This feature gives the Adtran TSE direct access to vWLAN at a level that cannot be matched through shared sessions (eg. desktop sharing) or HTTPS. The phone home feature is located Administration > Diagnostics > Platform. The following requirements must be met in order to provide phone home remote access.
- vWLAN must be able to resolve hostnames.
- vWLAN must be able to establish an outbound connection to cse-support.bluesocket.com on TCP 2335.
- See Note below for versions above vWLAN 3.7.1.
The network configuration of vWLAN can be found under Configuration > System > Network Interfaces. Make sure to set at least DNS 1, and then verify that vWLAN can resolve hostnames by using the Ping utility under Administration > Diagnostics. Try to ping cse-support.bluesocket.com. Regardless of whether the ping is successful, you should see the IP address associated with the hostname.
Make sure any firewalls in front of vWLAN are allowing the required traffic. The destination port will always be TCP 2335, but the source port will be provided by an Adtran TSE. Do no limit the source port in the firewall. An Adtran TSE will give you further instructions for using the phone home feature as necessary.
Note: In vWLAN 3.7.1 and later you will need to add a patch for Product Support to be able to call home and SSH to your box. It can be downloaded here. You should only add it if Support directs you to, and should always remove it after support is done.
Note: The Adtran TSE will provide the source port during a troubleshooting session. You should contact Adtran and speak with an Adtran PSE before trying to set up the phone home feature.