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What is the WWW cpu task and what causes it to spike?

Hello all. I work for a company that monitors networks across the country. I have seen several tickets pop lately for high cpu utilization. Getting into the router the cpu task WWW has been very high, sometimes 90+%. The latest one i had was very odd. There was very little bandwidth being used, 0 sessions active, but when I looked at the cpu it was maxed out. The WWW task was 4x% and the PC Config was 4x% and the total utilization was 100%. What is this WWW task and what causes it to spike or go so crazy?

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Re: What is the WWW cpu task and what causes it to spike?

- Thanks for posting your question on the forum!

Generally, the 'WWW' process correlates to being logged into the web interface. I just had a couple of questions that may help get to the bottom of what you are seeing:

- Were you logged into the web interface when the CPU was maxed out?

- Were you viewing the CPU utilization via the GUI or the CLI?

- What firmware are you running on the device in question?

I can tell you that logging into the web interface can cause a brief spike in the CPU, however, it should not remain so while logged in.



Re: What is the WWW cpu task and what causes it to spike?

We almost never use the GUI. Turns out several sites have been part of a DoS attack targeting https